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Judy & Dwayne Barnhill Round Dance Website
Editors: Judy & Dwayne Barnhill
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Website Updated: 10/18/2024

This is the website for Round Dance Cuer Judy Barnhill
with Choreography and Dancing by Dwayne & Judy Barnhill

We are members of.......................................................................... and ..Also Visit.. on a logo to go to the website..

New Flyers For Upcoming Dances .. click on the Flyer picture...
Line Dancing with Judy Barnhill
..Wednesday Afternoons Starting in November - Punta Gorda, FL

New Cue Tip Posted (from American Square Dance Magazine) - 9/10/24

Pictures of Judy - Round Dance Chairperson - and Dwayne
at the 49'th Tennessee Square & Round Dance Convention
(click on pictures...)

Plan ahead for the 50'th Tennessee Square & Round Dance Convention - July 31-August 2, 2025 !

Judy's Facebook Videos: click here ...


New: Judy dancing an A-2 Tip - May 20 here

More "Cue Tips" from American Square Dance Magazine (2023-2024) Have Been Added here

Videos From the Tennessee State Convention:
Dancers doing "Mission Bell Waltz" - here
Dancers doing "Dance with the One That Brought You" - here

Video - from the 72'nd National Convention
Judy & Dwayne Presenting "I Need More Of You"
a Phase III Cha by the Bellany Brothers

...YouTube Link click here

Videos - Judy Cueing At The 72'nd NSDC
June 21-24, 2023 - 72'nd National Square Dance Convention - Mobile, Alabama
Judy Cueing Videos ...YouTube Link click here

Local Cuer Recognized
Judy Barnhill's recent choreography of "B-B-Burning Up with Love", sung by the late Eddie Rabbit, was selected as the Oregon "Round of the Month" (March 2023). The choreography for the dance can be accessed by clicking on the link for ROUNDALAB.

Videos - Judy Cueing At The 71'st NSDC
June 23-25, 2022 - 71'st National Square Dance Convention - Evansville Indiana
Judy Cueing Videos here

Read An Article about Judy Barnhill in the March 2023 American Square Dance magazine:
click here ...

"UPDATED OCTOBER, 2022" - Link to Barnhill's Choreography in Roundalab .. Click on Tab in Navigation Bar !

Judy Cued At Strawberry Square - November 7, 2021 to expand picture

Yes - They Also Square Dance ! on pictures to expand
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Judy Barnhill "Cuer" Facebook Account....

Login in to your Facebook account and search for "Judy Barnhill, Cuer"
Or .. click here ...

Judy Barnhill's Youtube Channel...

Judy's Youtube Channel click here ...

Featured Content....

New Video Of Judy Cueing At West Coast Round Dance - 12/5/2021
..find under "Judy's Videos" in the navigation bar or click here..

This website features Round Dance Cueing by Judy Barnhill & Choreography by Dwayne & Judy Barnhill.
This site lists scheduled dances where Judy will be cueing, where they will be teaching
and is a reference source for their dance playlists, lessons and videos featuring
them dancing !

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Website content provided by Dwayne & Judy Barnhill
All content copyright 2020-2024 - All Rights Reserved
Use of information on this website is permitted with attribution
eMail Judy Barnhill "" click here...

Website maintained by DANCERgram webmaster Cliff Reiss

This website is hosted for free on the DANCERgram platform.
The URL for this website will expire 8/15/2026.