The Central Florida Square and Round Dancers Association

Square Dance Etiquette


George & Marge Jabbusch
Bradenton, Florida

A guide for the newly graduated square dancer,
and for that matter,
those who have been dancing for a while!

1. Arrive on time whenever possible.

2. Form a circle or set up squares promptly when the music starts or at the caller's request. Bear in mind that one can be prompt without running.

3. Join the nearest square that is forming. If all nearby squares are filled, hold your hand up high so the caller can either guide you to a square where you are needed or get some other couple to join you.

4. It is considered very bad manners to walk through the middle of one square to get to another. It is equally as bad to pass a square in need of a couple. Never leave a square once you have joined it.

5. If time permits, introduce yourself to others in the square. You will not only acquire a reputation for being friendly but you will meet many new and interesting friends.

6. Listen quietly during all instructions from the caller. If you are an average, good-hearted soul and know the call being explained, resist the temptation to explain it to others in your square. Let your fellow dancer hear all the professional instruction that they have come to hear. However, after the tip is over your friends may appreciate some help from you, it is perfectly in order to offer it.

7. There is no acceptable excuse for rough handling of fellow dancers! Roughness is the mark of ignorance, whether by chance or choice, and you will do well not to irritate a more experienced dancer who has chosen to ignore the basic rule in square dancing.

8. At the end of every dance be sure to thank the others in your square. They did contribute to your fun.

9. Friendliness is part of good manners. Square dancing promotes friendliness since it offers endless opportunities for more friendships to develop. If you are not continually making new friends you are not getting the most from square dancing. A good way to insure a friendly atmosphere is to always consider yourself a host to all other dancers. Friendliness comes from within your and can best be described as your interest in others.

10. Be sure to shower or bathe before attending. Men wear long-sleeved shirts.

11. Do not drink alcoholic beverages or eat garlic just before attending.

12. Be a well-informed dancer; review the rules of etiquette often.

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